Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

seems like we held a privat concert band in SMARADHA

when begundal performed

yesterday and every friday sih sebenarnya my school just held like an art program named xpresi. there we show some art like dance, band, accoutstic, theater and parody. lately there was an unique, strange and fantastiqoo band named "bagundal", i dont have any idea why that band named b-e-g-u-nd-dal, yap just enjoy it.

begundal always perform at the end of xpresi program. they dress soo uniqe and strange with their katro song (like bukan bang toyib, ST12's song, etc) but i love the way they bring it.
when they appeard in stage,assured the audience that sits directly to the front of the stage. there were some who carry the indonesian flag, our national eagle statues (both they took from history's class), and begundal's poster. just like in a concert. yes i felt like im attending a concert (never atend, actually) i dance a lot, put my hand up, yelled like not-the-real-my-self, dance, dance, dance, laugh hahahihi ckakakckicki :"D

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