Kamis, 30 September 2010

Am i a true science class student???

jawabanx mgkn mei.
meibi yes meibi no.
huh mengecewakan sekali aku ini....pgn ttp di ipa krn ak suka pljrnx. tp kalo maksa di ipa trs, bs2 ak ga naik kls... ;((

last afternoon, my class got math remedy. . .
frankly, as information, i got score 20 and 15. yes its my score. 70% i made it with my self, 30% i made it with cheated to my friends.
cekitaut, many pic i taken while remedy...*and dont try this at school! http://www.emocutez.com

NB: yg terkena shoot kamera di foto ni sbg model mohon maaf. identitas kalian aman kok....maaf yo! (salah sndri duduk disamping paparazi nakal) :p

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