Sabtu, 18 September 2010

letters, form, raports and blah blah difficult bout AFS!

its been around 6 month since i took AFS selection.
step by step it test from 1st test until 3rd test in province i've made it. and know i still waiting for announcement national selection.

god!! i cant forget bot 3rd test. aaaarrrgghh! CRY TRAGEDY!
mostly, the girls who got interviewed had a dramatic crying. because the interviewer was fierce! they are not satisfied with our answers, so we kept on tap!! i m the one who got fierce interviewer. actually, i didnt got dramatic crying, really! i just get up set, angry, and there were tears but i dont fell that! ther wasnt fell tears...

aaah gila. kalo diinget2 sibuk bgt yg harus di siapkan. mameeenn!! surat2nya byk btul n itu hrs fotocopy rangkap 5! tiap surat dan formulir ada 9 lembar! gile kan! and the most i hate was: kalo ada satu (satuuuuu!! ingat satu!) aja yg salah misalnya ada yg ke coret setitik atau salah tinta atau ada tip x qt disuruh ngulang lagi tuh 9 lembar. and i got it! yeah...the volunteer asked me to re-write those suck letter! sampe gak makan siang gw!

ni cover form

ini surat rekomendasi sekolah,keluarga,teman; fotocopy form; dll

msh buuaaanyak kertas2 yg bikin gw ma tmn2 stres. tp ni emg butuh perjuangan kok. semoga aja berhasil. amin !!

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